Spanish fish soup with Jerusalem artichokes and puy lentils

Spanish fish soup with Jerusalem artichokes and puy lentils This is an amazingly feisty and deeply flavourful soup. The combination of  tomatoes, eggs, mackerel and Jerusalem artichokes in this result in a 1+1=50 explosion of "umami" flavouring. Umami is a Japanese word for the 5th unique taste that humans can detect. After salty, sweet, sour and bitter, this 5th taste is a moreish savoury taste that the Japanese have known about since 1908, but those of us in West have only started talking seriously about since the mid 1980's. It may not look like much on first glance, but this soup packs [...]

How to cook sweet potatoes for a healthy weekend breakfast

How to cook sweet potatoes for a healthy weekend breakfast Sweet potatoes are such an amazing ingredient. Nutritionally they are powerhouses and taste-wise they are so incredibly delicious that I try and eat them three to four times a week. Today I've made really simple hash browns out of sweet potatoes. The cumin in the patties matches so well with the earthiness of the sweet potatoes and onions. These are perfect eaten in the traditional way with eggs, or they also make a great addition to the top of a green salad. Sweet potato hash browns These are super easy to mix up, then you just [...]