Why I fail at being healthy

Why I fail at being healthy Today I absentmindedly scanned the almond milk container at my local coffee joint. There in the second position on the list: sugar. "What the f^%@?" I may have bleeted out as I started fuming and wondering how many drinks I had errantly ingested with sugar in them. I remembered checking the cafe's almond milk container probably a year ago, and at the time, it had been sugar and other-nasties-free. Sigh. Total health fail. But it got me to thinking about the urge to avoid nasty stuff and how that positive drive can sometimes steer us wrong. [...]

Why are we shooting for the bare minimum when we could have optimal health?

Why are we shooting for the bare minimum when we could have optimal health? Let’s play a game. If I told you you needed to get optimal levels of, let's say, Vitamin D, E, A, B, as well as zinc, magnesium and selenium everyday, what would you put on your plate today to make sure that happened?  Ding, ding, ding! I know! What about the Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances (RDA) listed on most foods? Isn't that the nutritional sherpa we need? I suppose the RDA is helpful to help you avoid age old diseases like rickets or scurvy, but the RDA [...]

The fatal flaw of most diets and how to turn it around in your favour

The fatal flaw of most diets and how to turn it around in your favour There are so many different "diet labels" telling us how to eat. There’s Vegetarian. There’s Vegan. There’s Raw. Paleo, 4:3, Wheat Belly, 5:2, Atkins, Zone, and Gluten-Free. South Beach, Dukan, Mediterranean, Weight-Watchers, Blood-Type, Grapefruit, and Skinny Bitch. 3-Hour, Best Life, Cabbage Soup, Caveman, Fat Flush and Glycemic Index diets. French Women Don’t Get Fat, Hormone, and Jenny Craig programs. Macrobiotic, Master Cleanse and Food Combining diets. Beverly Hills and Nutrisystem. Shangri-La, Volumetrics, and the list goes on and on. asdfasdf The labels above [...]