Use a morning routine to build healthy habits quickly

Use a morning routine to build healthy habits quickly I love my morning routine. It's amazing that most of us have 25,000 mornings in our adult lives between the age of 18 to 80.  Morning activities for most people range from the bare minimum (shower, dress, coffee, and... go!) to potent time chunks that are used to magically automate key life habits that would under other circumstances require willpower to achieve. I accidentally stumbled on the power of morning routines about 10 years ago. At first what I was doing hardly qualified as a routine. There were just a couple habits linked together consisting of Julia Cameron's [...]

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine This week's habit has us adding a very easy hydration and antioxidant rich step into the morning routine we are building together over the course of the month. I'll share what my routine looks like, and then you can decide the best place to fit one or more healthful cups of herbal tea into your day. It's no secret that tea sets a kind of rhythym to my days. Acting almost like punctuation, herbal teas in particular bring much needed mini-pauses spaced around everyday moments. One such pause that adds a great deal of joy every morning is a [...]