6 critical things I wish I knew three years ago about how to reduce cholesterol

6 critical things I wish I knew three years ago about how to reduce cholesterol After my diagnosis with Familial hypercholesterolemia in 2011 I spent three years searching for effective natural methods to lower cholesterol and gain heart health. I actually felt a little bit like a crazy outsider for much of this journey because most of the research I uncovered advised eating foods and making lifestyle changes that were the complete opposite to what is being distributed by most well meaning but misinformed doctors, healthcare practitioners and media outlets. Below are the 6 critical facts I wish I had had on day one [...]

Why are fats, including coconut oil, good for your heart even though they are saturated fats?

Why are fats, including coconut oil, good for your heart even though they are saturated fats? I got a great question from a reader yesterday that I thought would be useful to share. The benefits of saturated fat, and fat in general, have been misunderstood until recently. New research from the past 5 years is causing widespread changes in dietary fat recommendations Oct 25th: QUESTION FROM AMANDA "Just wanted to thank you for putting your journey online. I am someone who was diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia since birth and have managed to stay off the statins. The diet [...]