Healthy snacks: lemon coconut goji berry bliss balls

Healthy snacks: lemon coconut goji berry bliss balls Something I'm always asked about are ideas for healthy snacks. One of the first things I did when faced with the scary prospect of changing my eating habits, was figure out in advance what foods I could snack on with abandon. Personally I feel very comforted when I know I have food waiting in the wings that I can eat whenever I like. It's a psychological tool I find useful that invites feelings of abundance and plenty into the day. It also can help ward off uneasy feelings, like scarcity or denial, that commonly will arrive when [...]

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine This week's habit has us adding a very easy hydration and antioxidant rich step into the morning routine we are building together over the course of the month. I'll share what my routine looks like, and then you can decide the best place to fit one or more healthful cups of herbal tea into your day. It's no secret that tea sets a kind of rhythym to my days. Acting almost like punctuation, herbal teas in particular bring much needed mini-pauses spaced around everyday moments. One such pause that adds a great deal of joy every morning is a [...]

Essential green smoothie recipe for energy and clear skin

Essential green smoothie recipe for energy and clear skin I'm sure you've heard that a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality including cancer and heart attacks. But what researchers have recently learned is that for every additional serving of fruits or vegetables you consume daily, there is a 4% reduction in your risk of cardiovascular mortality. Every single extra serving of fruits and vegetables you ingest really does add up in a measurable way towards better health. This week we're adding a basic green smoothie to our morning routine. What might seem like a small habit is [...]