Heart healthy green smoothie No. 4: The fibre firecracker!

Heart healthy green smoothie No. 4: The fibre firecracker! Today we're moving beyond basic green smoothies into health warrior territory! Black beans in my morning smoothie! What? This might seem a little weird at first, but if you think about Mexican cuisine, you remember that black beans, cinnamon, and chocolate were born to have parties together! Benefits of this green smoothie Black beans are considered one of the world's healthiest foods. They're full of protein, fibre, and powerful antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanins. These flavonoids are the same ones which give blueberries their amazing health benefits and help to reduce cancer risk. [...]

New diagram showing how soluble fibre reduces your LDL cholesterol naturally

New diagram showing how soluble fibre reduces your LDL cholesterol naturally I made this simple diagram below to show you one of the most effective mechanisms you can leverage to lower your own cholesterol naturally. If we understand how it's removed, then we can work on supporting these mechanisms and get our body into a healthy,  low cholesterol zone, without drugs, as I have personally done over the last year since Sept 2011. Despite that fact that we have all heard non-stop over the last 20 years how bad LDL cholesterol is for us, I don't think that message is working [...]