6 critical things I wish I knew three years ago about how to reduce cholesterol

6 critical things I wish I knew three years ago about how to reduce cholesterol After my diagnosis with Familial hypercholesterolemia in 2011 I spent three years searching for effective natural methods to lower cholesterol and gain heart health. I actually felt a little bit like a crazy outsider for much of this journey because most of the research I uncovered advised eating foods and making lifestyle changes that were the complete opposite to what is being distributed by most well meaning but misinformed doctors, healthcare practitioners and media outlets. Below are the 6 critical facts I wish I had had on day one [...]

9 best websites on how to lower cholesterol

9 best websites on how to lower cholesterol [polldaddy rating="6471621"] If you're like me, and you have been recently diagnosed with higher than normal cholesterol or you are trying to eat a healthy cholesterol lowering diet in general (always a good idea!) you will probably want to start educating yourself on what you need to eat. Below are 9 websites that I've found very useful in putting together a food-based programme for myself to reduce my cholesterol naturally without statins. There's a lot of somewhat useful but repetitious info online (think: copy/paste), along with plain wrong and unfactual [...]

Make sure you take these supplements if you are taking Statin pills to lower cholesterol

Make sure you take these supplements if you are taking Statin pills to lower cholesterol Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin D and C among key supplements needed to protect against the side effects of statin drugs that are taken to lower cholesterol but often have other damaging consequences If you, or someone you know, are one of the 1 in 3 people over 45 taking Statins to lower your cholesterol, then you will benefit by knowing the specific mechanism that statin drugs interrupt in the body - this is the mechanism that reduces cholesterol production, but [...]

Statins have not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks

Statins have not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks The more research you do into heart health, the more incredulous you become at what governments support and doctors prescribe to millions. Up to 7 million in the UK, and almost 200 million people in the USA (half of men, ages 65 to 74, and 39% of women, ages 75 and older) are taking Statins to improve heart health. This is shocking considering there is little evidence for most patient groups, and no evidence for women who have never had a heart attack, that Statins provide any positive benefit and in fact it [...]