NHS guidelines for cholesterol reduction blatantly not followed inside government hospitals

NHS guidelines for cholesterol reduction blatantly not followed inside government hospitals I just had a surreal experience going to my quarterly check up at the NHS Royal Free with my lipid specialist to look at where I'm at with regards to my Familial hypercholesterolemia. Signage in the Cardio waiting area of the NHS hospital, The Royal Free. I was chuckling to myself sitting in front of this poster: How much salt? First - take a look at WHAT you're eating. I don't really think salt is the problem here. But no real dietary guidance will be given to those [...]

Make sure you watch this powerful movie on maintaining health – is free this month

Make sure you watch this powerful movie on maintaining health - is free this month I highly recommend you follow the link below and register for the upcoming free "Food Matters" movie viewing. I actually paid to see this movie last month, when I was learning all about cholesterol and health stuff - but they are offering it for free for a limited period and you can register your interest by clicking link below... I am going to watch it again, and try and write down some of what they are saying, so I can blog about it. I have [...]

“Restrict and Avoid” type diets often miss the mark…of health!

"Restrict and Avoid" type diets often miss the mark...of health! For health reasons I have previously posted about, I am on the hunt for an extremely heart friendly, cholesterol lowering diet. As you surely know, there is a cornucopia of conflicting advice "out there" regarding what is best to put in your mouth.  It appears endless.  I could spend the next year debating and documenting the finer points of each of the basic approaches I will outline below, but I'm not going to do that. My goal with all of this research, is to try and eventually cobble together the  "ultimate diet" [...]

Shockingly sugar is as toxic to the body as alcohol

Shockingly sugar is as toxic to the body as alcohol As part of my quest to find the best diet for heart health, I've been investigating the three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat). While looking at carbohydrates, I have come across this YouTube video by Dr. Robert Lustig, which was subsequently covered in an article in the New York times. When the April 2011 piece called Is Sugar Toxic? appeared, the video Sugar: The Bitter Truth had been seen roughly 800,000 times. Since then, it's been viewed almost 2.5 million times. I can't recommend viewing this 1.5 hour video enough. It [...]

The search for the best diet… aka the “heart whisperer”

The search for the best diet... aka the "heart whisperer" Last month, I had an epiphany about the importance of fully inhabiting each and every moment I have available to me. This has led to more consciously evaluating how I'm spending my time and in particular the quantity of time I need to be spending on activities that will improve my health. Most people to look at me would not think I'm unhealthy, but I know that I get winded climbing a few sets of stairs, that those "gentle warm up stretches" that we do at the beginning of many of the [...]