Sleep and pleasure your way to success

Sleep and pleasure your way to success A few weeks ago on Instagram I wrote about how slowing down was exactly what I needed. I think it's a common problem in our busy lives. We just go and go and go, until we break. We miss the warning signals, and in my case, they were pretty obvious. It got so silly that at one point I was using my good left arm to move my bad right arm around on the mouse mat, so I could send emails out and finish some work projects. It sounds so obvious now as I'm [...]

Healthy snacks: lemon coconut goji berry bliss balls

Healthy snacks: lemon coconut goji berry bliss balls Something I'm always asked about are ideas for healthy snacks. One of the first things I did when faced with the scary prospect of changing my eating habits, was figure out in advance what foods I could snack on with abandon. Personally I feel very comforted when I know I have food waiting in the wings that I can eat whenever I like. It's a psychological tool I find useful that invites feelings of abundance and plenty into the day. It also can help ward off uneasy feelings, like scarcity or denial, that commonly will arrive when [...]

Use a morning routine to build healthy habits quickly

Use a morning routine to build healthy habits quickly I love my morning routine. It's amazing that most of us have 25,000 mornings in our adult lives between the age of 18 to 80.  Morning activities for most people range from the bare minimum (shower, dress, coffee, and... go!) to potent time chunks that are used to magically automate key life habits that would under other circumstances require willpower to achieve. I accidentally stumbled on the power of morning routines about 10 years ago. At first what I was doing hardly qualified as a routine. There were just a couple habits linked together consisting of Julia Cameron's [...]

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine

Rooibos tea benefits and creating a herbal tea routine This week's habit has us adding a very easy hydration and antioxidant rich step into the morning routine we are building together over the course of the month. I'll share what my routine looks like, and then you can decide the best place to fit one or more healthful cups of herbal tea into your day. It's no secret that tea sets a kind of rhythym to my days. Acting almost like punctuation, herbal teas in particular bring much needed mini-pauses spaced around everyday moments. One such pause that adds a great deal of joy every morning is a [...]

Essential green smoothie recipe for energy and clear skin

Essential green smoothie recipe for energy and clear skin I'm sure you've heard that a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality including cancer and heart attacks. But what researchers have recently learned is that for every additional serving of fruits or vegetables you consume daily, there is a 4% reduction in your risk of cardiovascular mortality. Every single extra serving of fruits and vegetables you ingest really does add up in a measurable way towards better health. This week we're adding a basic green smoothie to our morning routine. What might seem like a small habit is [...]

How to make lemon water life changing

How to make lemon water life changing In the past 2 years I've noticed that almost every mainstream health guru has started advising warm lemon water.  It's an easy thing to do for a pretty nice stack of benefits that  include: weight-loss, immune boosting, energy boosting, inflammation reduction and wrinkle reduction. This week's habit is simple but powerful. To prepare for the week ahead all you need to do is buy 4 lemons. But before you do that, let me introduce you to a journey that you may want to start with us here at The Confidence Kitchen. Week 1: We're about to [...]

A thrilling start to 2015

A thrilling start to 2015 A great big hug and Happy New Year to you! It's been such a thrilling start to the year to receive the annual website performance reports that Wordpress circulated  this week. This has been the year where I have stopped feeling like one person shouting alone into the wilderness. This has become a true health community and I have enjoyed every minute of sharing with you. A thrilling start to 2015 I can't believe it but my blog has grown by a whopping 741% since 2013. Over 37,000 blog posts have been viewed on The Confidence [...]

Why I fail at being healthy

Why I fail at being healthy Today I absentmindedly scanned the almond milk container at my local coffee joint. There in the second position on the list: sugar. "What the f^%@?" I may have bleeted out as I started fuming and wondering how many drinks I had errantly ingested with sugar in them. I remembered checking the cafe's almond milk container probably a year ago, and at the time, it had been sugar and other-nasties-free. Sigh. Total health fail. But it got me to thinking about the urge to avoid nasty stuff and how that positive drive can sometimes steer us wrong. [...]

Drink matcha tea for boundless energy, focus, and a healthy heart

Drink matcha tea for boundless energy, focus, and a healthy heart Dr Sara Gottfried, whose work I absolutely love, has said that the number one issue that most of her patients come to her with are problems of energy. I don't doubt that at all. It's one of the most common refrains I hear from the busy women I know. I certainly know the feeling. Before I began my odyssey to discover a healthier lifestyle in 2011, energy was almost always front and centre in my mind. How can I get more of it? Why do I feel so tired today? When will I [...]

7 day natural beauty action plan

7 day natural beauty action plan Wow. What a great first week of natural beauty solutions month! So far, we learned how to: leverage our desire for more beauty in our overall quest for health eat omega 3 rich fish a minimum of 2 times a week for better facial contours and fullness get gorgeous skin fast with this green smoothie  eat 2 brazil nuts a day for firm clear skin eat red peppers every day because they act like botox in their wrinkle fighting abilities! dry brush 1 minute a day for glowing, younger looking skin! Wait! How do I fit [...]